Sunday, October 31, 2010

...and this is why we are alive
every cell in my body shimmers,
shines, electrifies

I float 2 inches off the ground when
you approach me

(better than a dream
finer than fine
no one has ever been
so deep inside my soul)

Come home to me and
stay home with me
I will heal your

Saturday, October 30, 2010

...and what did you say we are living for?
I didn't come here to be enlightened
I came here to be alive

No one "needs" be be in love
(but we HAVE to be in love)
otherwise...why are we here

Let the buddhas be buddhas
I want to be a Man
let the saints be saints
and petrify

I wanna show you how high on
our souls and bodies and minds we can be
(I'll caress you into all my poetry)

I didn't come here to die or Hide

I came here to ride
(u gonna ride with me tonight)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Words fail
she takes my spirit beyond
my own knowledge

She is like everyone/everything
I've ever loved...
and she is so much more than this

And the slightest poem of her slightest movement
is what all the masters dreamed of and failed
to achieve

I'd give you every museum in the world for a look in her eyes
(every book in the world to embrace my beloved)
Poems fall at her feet and disappear

The buddhas turned away from themselves
because they did not know one such as her
they had to escape into nirvana,

I have no such

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You might only see your
true love once
(or not at all)

But if you do
fore even one moment
you should let her know
with at least a glance

that you have lived,
only to find her
Now I know
Where you come from
(my perfect heaven)
Your electricity
came into me

(I pray for
whatever you pray
I like you better than Basho
Better than Rumi

(the poems you write inside me
are things that god has never

Sunday, October 24, 2010

...when we go flying
(every time we touch)...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

You could say that i dreamed her
(but that would be a lie)
I created her cell by cell
(finer than a biologist-surgeon-sculpture or

Once again entering the places where angels
and gods must stop
she reaches inside my heart

Monday, October 18, 2010

The world needs a shotgun blast to the face
(still they wouldn't listen)
No one hears his own spirit...

We don't even live for the body
or the mind
just one little part of the ego drives everything

Some kind of bizzare status in a dead hierarchy
of rotten imagery

Sunday, October 17, 2010

so...we waited these lifetimes
and became who we are
(and still so wild and free)
grew strong on starlight and
spirit vibes
(I love that you love
what I am and that you can breathe the fire
i create when I touch you)

let me whisper these things
to you

Friday, October 15, 2010

When I see what you see like in
my spirit
and I taste what you taste like in my
and I fly like you fly in the sky that is beyond all of
these things
(it is at these times my beloved
and only these times that I am always with you
in all moments)
and these moments spread from the center of what we
are into every moment
and I am you and you
are everything I am do
taste touch

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I've heard that
the Chinese believe
there is a red string
attached between
the hearts
of true lovers

All I know is
that it is better for a poet
to have a true love
(it makes him write more,
love poems at least)

Although pain poems
sometimes make for better readings
(love poems flow from the heart

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All my poems are about her

Monday, October 11, 2010

...& this space goes on inside of us
(flowing-light ocean of soft-passion-tide)

we have our own constellations and planetary influences
& a moon that draws our vibrations in and out
with the ebb and flow of its magnetic caresses

(we are sacred moths circling the fire of us)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My love slips into
my time
(like the nighttime slips into the sky)
slides against my body,
a warm snake slithering closer)

Flesh warmed by flesh
heat wherever our skin touches

every cell in my body vibrates
(so powerful it makes me marvel at what it is
to be human
what these bodies are
and polarities?
Why are we divided into men and women
night and day) that my love can come
to me

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Even though I know
that every light in the sky is
a reflection of what is already in
your soul when we become
the same space

(and in that space is every leaf on the autumn trees
all across these mountains

and all the water that moves back and forth in the oceans)

I am bigger than these things
and you are everything inside of me

4 Dylan & The Walrus

Remember our 20th century prophets
(the ones we lost, the ones we saved)
the ones we consumed like holy communion
drank the wine of their creation

(we listened to the records, consumed the spirits
tripped our trips
smoked with the gods...
became shamanistic avatars)

...I was with my beloved last night
and I didn't have to ask her if she remembers
because the music made us who we are
(I know who she was back then)

Wild & free in the 70's
we knew where we came from
(records spin somewhere in history,
spinning while the earth is spinning)

recorded discs from metallic reels
(and she is my love and she remembers,
even the way I touch her is shaped by the music)

..and they took our prophets legacies from us
cemented the dream with a bullet or two

Yet we are the dream...
Yes I have a dream too,
Yes we are the dream
Yes I have imagined

This is what you have imagined,
despite the wars and the tears we
are here, we love our women
we make our music
we write your poems

and so these tears of joy
go straight to that place
you created from truth
all those years ago...

we lift our cups
we open our hearts to the stars
(we embrace our loves)
carrying the torch of the dream

One spark so bright,
cannot be extinguished easily

We have transformed ourselves into new machines
that will go beyond the light years that separate
us from the distant gods

(and still the disc is spinning,
analog beauty without compare)
we are there,
one simple truth,
a hundred different ways

That lonely thing that don't cost nobody a
(we seem so afraid to admit that it really is...
could it be that simple?
don't we need to complicate
and hate...)

How could a little song
have all the answers
(when everything is so wrong)

& We spent our whole lives knowing
and forgetting that...
all ya need is (one little thing)...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Whatever it is that I put into
my poems
(I steal from things I glean inside of
the places we move in)

I steal it from your silence and the cosmic
disturbances that rupture along my
energetic pathways

(in other words there is thunder and lightning
also...and golden light that cannot be

Sunday, October 3, 2010

You already know me
(time can never take you away
from me)

We are together in infinite

Saturday, October 2, 2010

whenever she finds me in
her mind/vibes
i am already immersed in her

if i was always now
we would live in the golden light
we already know

Friday, October 1, 2010

only she knows my real poems
and the truest of these
(she has yet to see)