Monday, November 6, 2017

I was a scholar

Now I hide amongst
dead armies of
zombie consumption

Rider terror through midnight
highways unseen by the

*she gave me things only trees
and stars and that old mountain
know about

We should have died to this world
together, let the animals survive on our

that would have been

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Such a beautiful
poet you are my darling
(the secret life I live
in your heart

what a welcome surprise;
a home to rest in.

those days on the Plateau
that goddess of a city
who gave us all her charms

I don't know why she loved me
so much

or how the gods allowed me to hear
you shouting down the street
that I was
"an enlightened prince")

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

One of the gods told her:
"You're afraid to let go 
cuz you've made something 
so beautiful 
and with so much pain"

Monday, October 23, 2017

It's beautiful that there
are things we do not know

Can't control 
the wave 

only how 
we ride the 

Monday, October 16, 2017

The thought police
don't like me
(tell me whose lives

what words are okay
to say

what books i can read

what to think and breath)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Pushing these machines around
Wer'e all so scared
(we're all so strong)

Spirit machines riding
Ghost highways
broken answers

(dirt rider call home
we lost you in the slipstream
where have your lovers

Monday, September 18, 2017

Leave your ghosts behind
(it's time)

If you had to
remember that I loved you once
further than the sun
splattering passions and hemoglobin from
impressionist garden

This whole place is a holy
mirage risen from cosmic hearts
by our decorated skulls in this

Sacred burn, (again into a desert bird carrying us)
until the enlightned futures once
forgotten so long ago
speaking a language that no longer exists

staring into your eyes
ride this skeletal machine
fuelled only with death dreams

Thursday, August 31, 2017

I want a poet for a
Someone unafraid to

An animal ready to be
by God

Rushing fiercley into
the arms of the
Do you know how much
I loved you
sacred one

How your presense soothed
and lifted my spirit

How your hair brought
me back to Rome
when we first met

Did you know that the copy
of Leaves of Grass you gave
me is the only one
I own

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

She's Indigo,
and we're all
old souls
(my crew)

Rollin with the
rebel and we

The light side
and the pain

and the Phoenix sun
we ride on until the
new dawn

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What kind of shore did
we wash ourselves upon
my beloved

What kind of sword did we
impale ourselves upon

I know you can feel this
(spooky action at a distance
Did you hear my

Voice stangled within

I could have been the oxygen
in your blood

You could have been the blood
in my veins

Saturday, July 22, 2017

If you loved
me you'd show up on
my doorstep hidden as I
am in Montana

Impossible demand for
an impossible love

You never knew the eagles
that were my friends or the
huge holes in my stories

Whitman and Ginsburg
can we all show each other
our New Yorks
(I'm ashamed of mine,
just kids staring at their phones)

Walt could show us wildnerness and
farms of Brooklyn

Perhaps we'd all be happiest with Allen
in some hopped up junky dirt
jazz cafe with whiskey in foggy

Take us to filth of alphabet city
then we could hide on lawns of
Union Square with the waning hippies

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Sacred machine
we were made by
the same hand
the same god

My life force
flows into you
stainless metal perfection

Black thunderous
murder combustion

Blood bonded sweat
dreams fears glory
death we embrace each other
the way we understand each

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Should I prepare
myself for the invisible
golden throne

The one I gave my
new diamond heart to
all those years ago
in India

(the ecstatic tide of your
poverty and opulence
mama India)

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Fake silence
fake lives

Try to be like everyone
else with perfect fake lives

Fake lives crumbling ask me
why I'm not like them

(freedom lingers strong
this road never ends,
too stationary to follow,

I was only someone you
knew once)

Thursday, June 29, 2017

So we road the
magic carpet to our

Flew past whatever
we saw

I used to be an eagle
but a hawk is

(crows are best.
like my friend with a broken

I feed him cashew nuts and

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Every event offers
an opportunity to surpass
your demons

I used to want to just
go somewhere and be
cool and now

I'm already

Friday, June 23, 2017

Only because it's
the City I've been
building in my soul

Motorcycles are
one's love, passion
and Freedom

She was a butterfly
or a vampire or nothing
but a figure of my imagination

just like now

Thursday, June 15, 2017

I have decided
that Walt Whitman
is my grandfather

Whatever fits into the
chronological scheme of

For our souls are the same
and he is the American-Poet
of my soul-family

What a great grandfather of
my poet-soul he is,
for he has already adressed all
my concerns

Taken measures to ensure my
freedom and my love,
and my care
in his works

He rises with his pen
and masters all hearts from
the beautiful beyond

Reaches into my hand and
guides these lines

Thank you sweet great father
Surrender these techno
Ride dinosaur fumes
of combustion paradise

Outlaw since 1903
Runnin thru

Close to the border
hotter n' hell
Fligh higher than Icarus
(it's OK I'm
a phoenix)

Monday, June 12, 2017

She ran mountain
lion into darkness
only to emerge

envolped in light
she dreamed

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Discussing Proust
outside shops in the
east village that
no longer exist

Except in places that
cannot be touched
(remember the time you
flew in from Siberia
and got me kicked out
of my apartment in

We altered the course of
our planetary trajectories
that night, you me and
the East river)
So we tried to
solve life's mysteries
deciphering graffiti
on subways


Friday, June 9, 2017

The awakening must happen
(all the machines are beautiful)
she is a divine animal
wrapping herself into infinity

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Thank you Montana
for your mountain

(I'm sorry to whom-
ever/that I went inside
and you can't find

Whatever image you lost
of us
was something you never
knew how to
hold onto

Monday, June 5, 2017

She was a cool rider
after the phsychic storm

All I ever wanted was
to ride

I'm gonna ride on as
long as I can

Gonna run on til'
they turn off the band

I could tell what her heart
meant by the way she wrapped
around me

I could feel the warmth of her soul
reaching for my love

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dear Montreal Goddess:

I have memories of you
in the Laurentian mountains
that hold my soul
in resplendant opulence

G-sho. One for the road.

You inherit the fortune
of my existence
soul brother

We wore Shaman robes
took our mother
to the other

Waved off death-riders
fell naked from blue sky
(like it was nothing)
peace in paradise

We roam like mongolian
spitting flames from
iron horses

Nothin' but old
we embrace only
the faithful

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Whoever you were I
loved you then and the
remnants retain
fragments of me back

Old road dawg rollin
through a few more
(find me a new sun)

Friday, May 19, 2017

Is there silence
in his mind

(did she drop
the space of them
from her

Mother spider
weaving fabric
of her universe

Sunday, May 14, 2017

For my mother Joan on Mother's day, 5 years after she's been gone

There is no poetry
or spirit large enough
to contain you

You burst forth from my
own blood
pirouetting across an
infinity of love
Those New York
days are gone
(when you licked icing
off my fingers,
we were poetry in the
rattling across
from Brooklyn)

Monday, April 24, 2017

When I knew
how to love
riding through mountains

Across a bridge
into an emerald city
only to become

Lost in the Montreal
with fragile

Sunday, April 16, 2017

I'm almost home
We rode like demons
Through the canyons

You never knew the real me

Monday, April 10, 2017

Radio silence
between us

If there was a way out
of our darkness

(I have my own light)
wish we could
if only the stars hadn't

In my eyes if only
you could shine
one more infinite

if there's a way
please answer by
returning to a place
we've never been

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

God is the only thing that does
not rust

Otherwise we'd love the
Machines too much

Those moments in your
Eyes we never forgave
ourselves for

Burned by

Charmed into afterlife

forsaken snake

Things so empty
we take personally

all paths will lead to

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How many deaths have you

(why are you so Fuk_n
dead inside?)

I ride
I just ride
shoot to live
live to shoot

(there is a goddess
or two somewhere in
time that remembers

Pune, German Bakery
Yes I'm so goddamn pheonix-

Monday, March 20, 2017


we reside in
freedom of the light
(don't touch my rifle
or my bike )

Something American in our
blood makes us not stand down
do you want a follower or a

I bend easy don't
ever brake
only follow my
own way
(which is the way of the

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Because you followed
your dream
it helped me to follow
my dream I don't know
what our chances are
or why we feel light
and ecstasy when are
hearts ride free and
everything dissapears

and all i need...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Almost wish I
still loved you
So I could feel
the Sharpness of the

Angels set me
free one piece
at a time by
Stealing my burdens

Time-Lord Jesus
they don't realize I'm
just your Soldier

Riding through this
stain of a world
on the One True

My guts are inside that
Sould flies out of that

Monday, February 27, 2017

My love for you is
the same as pain
(mon papillon d'ete)

Mountain passion lingers
in peaks unmovable
down in the valleys we
are all to human
fragile dreams of glass we
never cooled enough
to be malleable

Sunday, February 19, 2017

This is the afterlife

I died somewhere in a
midnight tequila haze way back
in the summer of 88

Some crazed angel stooped low
reckoning intangible madness
straightening twisted

Freedom on the cusp of
carnage three joints into a
drug fueled haze the answer
came several years later from
divine sources

Monday, February 6, 2017

of course the machines
our alive we
created them

Friday, February 3, 2017

Contemplate what we
surrendered not to

Starfuck implosion
with all this God-reasoning
the beasts far surpass our wisdom

Broken-hearts n' such
we have our pain
in Common

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Victoria in the morning
these are the people of your

Ride the streets midnight outlaw
she don't care how cold it
she don't care how lost we

laughs at the rain
wants to get her make up
Doesn't fear the pain

(lets life burn her truth
with a sweet aroma)

Written in a Phoenix motel (my paradise) January 20th 2016

So this is my Phoenix
after the ashes and burning
(She always said I had eagles

Here with the nubian goddesses
and mexican princesses
of all my dreams
we ride burning

Palm tree lined highways
cacti salute our glory

We love you pappi we love
you mammi
mothers and fathers of the homeland
burn me into the dessert
burn your secrets into my skin

I have risen

Monday, January 2, 2017

What if we became
all those things we
dreamed about

Those fantasy
times we already lived

No one understands about
the flowers and the girls
in the pyramids

The Euro-goddesses
flogging ecstasy past
the borders of

And we channeled our ancestors
and blew away the stars
certain planets aligned in a dimension
slightly outside our

Street dogs howled and third
world fires bunred away
my Western dominance

With King DNA
and the need to be free
It's a Jesus thing
this path I'm on

Lookin' for my
Ride or Die

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The inversion of the absence of your
ego casts an empty shadow

The intuitive intelligence captures
the all knowing light of infinite

(we are eagles scavenging
cosmic skies for these