Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dear Montreal Goddess:

I have memories of you
in the Laurentian mountains
that hold my soul
in resplendant opulence

G-sho. One for the road.

You inherit the fortune
of my existence
soul brother

We wore Shaman robes
took our mother
to the other

Waved off death-riders
fell naked from blue sky
(like it was nothing)
peace in paradise

We roam like mongolian
spitting flames from
iron horses

Nothin' but old
we embrace only
the faithful

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Whoever you were I
loved you then and the
remnants retain
fragments of me back

Old road dawg rollin
through a few more
(find me a new sun)

Friday, May 19, 2017

Is there silence
in his mind

(did she drop
the space of them
from her

Mother spider
weaving fabric
of her universe

Sunday, May 14, 2017

For my mother Joan on Mother's day, 5 years after she's been gone

There is no poetry
or spirit large enough
to contain you

You burst forth from my
own blood
pirouetting across an
infinity of love
Those New York
days are gone
(when you licked icing
off my fingers,
we were poetry in the
rattling across
from Brooklyn)