Sunday, February 27, 2011

He misses the glow of her eyes
inside the white cave of light
where they used to bathe in love...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

if we are the people we
will retrospectively dream of
then I am a victim of moonlight that
found you on the street one night

(and You are the one that refuses to let me leave
your wallpapered room with
bees in jars and chocolate furniture)

So There
This astronomer of sorts
who looks for figurative stars
in the skies of his philosophies

(constellations of meaning,
mythological inferences into the origins and
purposes of man)

(& he knows that she has the eyes of a tiger
and that he cannot ever look away)

Brighter than any bundle of gasses spinning
galaxies away
They tell him a story of creation,
(& how his violent ancestors

Surely they were paired by the
She imagines him,
sleeker and faster

(running through the forest
of her confusion into
the ocean of her sorrow)

Then the dream changes
(they stand face to face
auras melting )

Profusion of light so
bright it's dazzling

(she dazzles him into a place
where he dreams what he's always
dreamed of)

Friday, February 25, 2011

what they tasted
on each others souls
(breath enchanted
at this mortal touch)...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Angel: I want you so much.
Poet: You have me so much.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Angel: Can you see clearly all the beauty now?

Dreamer: The greatest beauty I behold is the impression of you
inside my soul.
Thank you for the freedom
of letting me see you from afar

(your eyes are constellations)
spelling out my

telling me you
are for me
If I have dreamed of anything
(it is the freedom of your soul inside of me)

Been on some wild rides
(but nothing as high as the tide
of our moons together)

River into me
(be the stray cat at my door)
When I think of
my love
(the sun shines inside of me)

& She dreams of mountain lions
& the stories her angel whispers in
her ear

(and that angel wants nothing more)
than for his love
to return to the mountain

which is her home
the one she left,
to find her home

& she knows his home is inside
her and that her love
sits like sunlight on top of the
that is inside the heaven they found
in each others eyes
one day high in the forest.
I profess to the whole world
that I Love you
and you are the only one
(that hears me)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So Afraid of Breaking
fragile Sandcastles
(what have we lost in holding Back)

Obsessed with our own

Forget about everything that's broken
Fly with Me
My love

(we are already

Monday, February 21, 2011

She's my favorite poet
(and I love the way she:
Glides over this world to meet me in space/time
Holds me like she's mine
(Devours me like I was a vampire's wine
Like I was wedding cake)

(and nobody sees a word she writes
and I hunger for her lines of every kind)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

everyone dreams of truly flying
(anyone worth dying that is..)

the bow is drawn
are you gonna realease that arrow?
(stop pretending you don't know what your aiming at)

shoot to kill

Friday, February 18, 2011

...Let's say I had a life before you
(and you are part of that life now
& part of every little thing)

And I don't know quite where the boundary of
my heart ends
and yours begins

& when I try to imagine letting you go
for good, it's not really possible to let
us-me-you go

Cuz you're in my sleep & blood & dreams
and waking moments (EVERY single moment)

& these moments are atoms and amoebas and nows.
now after now time has waited
(and the finest gods have created the world precisely as it
is so that we could devour
each other)

Become the stream of one
we are destined for
(You know we've already been together
for ever)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gas me up again/looks like its gonna be a long run/(time to get me some american-iron again)/though it aint got much iron anymore, & some a them parts come from japanese shores/it'll be loud & proud (bleed red white and blue)

the stars on the flag mean somethin else to me
(I see Whitman's dreams
and Ginsburg's beard)

Rockets Violent red glare
Who said violence is a bad thing
At least we got firepower

They don't show kids gettin' shot in the head
on the news anymore
screaming naked down the street with napalm
(cuts down on the protesters)

Better to show soldiers in clean uniforms
(yeah, that damn liberal media!)

Don't get me wrong I'm true-blue thru & thru
Best not tread on Me!
Sure as hell don't touch these shores
I'll defend her alright

Yeah my freedom ain't pretty
ain't clean
what we done to the soldiers
and the Negros
and the Natives

But we done right too
Abe Lincoln weren't all bad
Now we even got a part African man
Seems like a good man too
a real man too

a real man

Monday, February 14, 2011

Good strong woman
from the back-country

'member when I used to
sleep with one eye open
'fraid your Daddy'd show up?

Used 2 ride that big ol' Harley
home in the sweet summer Mornin
(seemed like we were outlaws then)
My poetry is for you today
(as is my heart
& my blood
& my bones
& my eyes


And my spirit is with you today
(as it is always.
as are my thoughts
my prayers
my dreams
and tears)

Your soul swirls up inside of me
lighting torwards the sky
I have the key to your earthly chains
you have the key to your earthly chains

Don't worry
I'll never let you float away

My warmth will exist as long
as you exist
my strenght will never wain

(because I am here to be the one
for you)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Recently a writer from The Times of India wrote to me, and asked me some questions about the German Bakery cafe in Pune India.(it was destroyed by a bombing one year ago today. Blessings and prayers to the friends and families of those who lost their lives). This vingette was my way of answering the questions...below the vingette is a link to the Times article

Taking the steps down into the dark smoky recesses of the German Bakery was crossing the threshold of a Cosmic rip in time. The cave like wings of the L shaped seating area were the gathering place of interplanetary vagabonds, lost angels, mystics, prophets, tourists, locals, beggars, dealers, stealers, goddesses, Buddhas, madmen, fairies. Indian, Chinese, Koreans, French, Italian, Polish, American, Canadian, Nepalese, Turkish, Mexican, Danish, Swiss, German, Palestinian, Israeli….(just to name a few)…young old, hungry, starving expats, vacationers, those who meditate, those against meditation, students, illiterate, rich, poor…and (more).

I came to India for the Osho Meditation Resort…but everyone who’s been in Pune more than a month or two knows that the German Bakery was the real ashram. I lived there…I ate all my meals there, talked with enlightened masters there, fell in love there, sat in silence there, made new friends, met old friends, and drank chai, espresso, papaya juice, pinapple juice, ate eggs and toast and potatoes, (and warm banana muffins!)

The Nepali boys were always smiling, always laughing, and the guard waving his staff at beggars, rocking back and forth in his uniform…smiling & silent…coffee steaming and cigarettes steaming, and laughter and talking and hugging and discussing and seeking and finding…scooters and rickshaws rattling. My day began there and ended there…
The GB was often the last place I would go before leaving Pune to return to the states…and the first place I would go when arriving back in Pune. From 2003-2007 I spent my winters in Pune (then returned to the states). Some of the very grandest & best times of my joyous life were in the GB. I would ride my blue and chrome Enfield into the back parking lot, park the bike and saunter through the shops into the bakery…you never knew who you would meet or what you might find there…

I heard about the Bombing from email and then followed it on Facebook…just the thought of it drains the blood out of my face…I was devastated at the news…since I was not there, and have not returned to India since…it still does not seem real to me…when I found out it felt like someone had blown a hole through my heart…I was shaken to the core. My sense of the world was upside down. Now, the German Bakery is a place inside of me. A place where I met the most beautiful people in the world. A place where all races & nationalities were part of the same family. A place where I had so many incredible moments. A place inside my heart that can never be broken or taken away.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

If I was a wanted man
would you ride across the border with me
slip into Mexico
where nobody knowd us from nothin

We could just let your eyes shine like diamonds there
and never want for anythin'

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I don't know what it means
to be a p-o-e-t...
nor did I have a choice in the letters tattooed
on my hand

(just like I have no control over who appears in these lines
even If I tried to stop writing about you,
then the words would only be
some words trying to hide from the truth)

And the truth is
Your love shinning
inside me brighter than the sun

almost everyone hides from the truth...
it's' rarer than a mountain lion

(my river runs for

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No I ain't no soldier
(just got my own holy wars)

Not enough demons in the world
to touch my perfect Angel

she don't need words
& she don't need swords

I let her go
but I ain't never gonna let her
get away

She can fly faster than sound
faster than pain

(bullets melt when she smiles
clouds evaporate
trees grow
storms cease)

I know where she lives
(inside this peace
is my peace)

Outside these dreams
she dreams

(...every time you dream of me...)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

...Created this paradise
some years ago
(built the dream home)
It's time to move in
Ask the shaman
if you can find the space
in between these worlds