Saturday, April 28, 2012

First, I knew my mother
then my father,
then the Mountain

Time passes in stillness.
Imminence of now

calling forth presence of
self, walking up a rocky steepness
into the one

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I tried to break
free into you

we melted some holes
in the wall

enough to see the moon
(enough to give birth to
something alien)
Time is more than a singularity
time is already there
it's only bodies moving that we

Bodies turning
(we are shifting something
gray hairs in the mirror give the
illusion of something transient)

We are using mass to integrate
and disintegrate
spirits without location playing,
beyond any coordinate system

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You taught us to
be free

Monday, April 23, 2012

we live lives of control
forget about who you
(what your reflection told you today)
dreams of past-present-future

it's only wings
it's only flight
Don't think anything
keep being who you are
stay on the perfect path
It is not summer
until a woman
sings to you
under open skies

Saturday, April 21, 2012

when the dreamers;
(emerge from the mists)
(get off the cloud of smoke)
(step into the sunlight of this

When the dreamers...( Ehhh-hem...loudly clearing throat)
realize how high we've been
(inside a dream inside THE dream)
(how torn we've been @ not having
access to one anothers bodies)

they will make ammends,
carry us on great winds
of god's wings

Monday, April 9, 2012

Follow the Tropic of Cancer
(you're own Goddess thread)

equatorial bliss
waits just on the other side
of what you percieve as

Friday, April 6, 2012

Why don't you get a new tattoo
sell your horse and walk
sell your castle for a fast horse
always show every tattoo on your body

walk with the dead
sleep with the living
grow orchards in the forest
remember every love, every day

celebrate the house of your spirit
dance alone
dance with the whole village
embrace the young
support the old

let yourself die,
very slowly

& When We Rise Again

Our spirits are still
(part of the great spider's web)

cosmic jewels resplendant
(fruit of the sacred tree)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The free ones
(never dreamed of goin' straight)

too crazy to be contained
(she lit up the club,
and the sidewalks,
even the river)

Flew in from Siberia,
left for Mexico

(right after we went