Saturday, October 9, 2010

4 Dylan & The Walrus

Remember our 20th century prophets
(the ones we lost, the ones we saved)
the ones we consumed like holy communion
drank the wine of their creation

(we listened to the records, consumed the spirits
tripped our trips
smoked with the gods...
became shamanistic avatars)

...I was with my beloved last night
and I didn't have to ask her if she remembers
because the music made us who we are
(I know who she was back then)

Wild & free in the 70's
we knew where we came from
(records spin somewhere in history,
spinning while the earth is spinning)

recorded discs from metallic reels
(and she is my love and she remembers,
even the way I touch her is shaped by the music)

..and they took our prophets legacies from us
cemented the dream with a bullet or two

Yet we are the dream...
Yes I have a dream too,
Yes we are the dream
Yes I have imagined

This is what you have imagined,
despite the wars and the tears we
are here, we love our women
we make our music
we write your poems

and so these tears of joy
go straight to that place
you created from truth
all those years ago...

we lift our cups
we open our hearts to the stars
(we embrace our loves)
carrying the torch of the dream

One spark so bright,
cannot be extinguished easily

We have transformed ourselves into new machines
that will go beyond the light years that separate
us from the distant gods

(and still the disc is spinning,
analog beauty without compare)
we are there,
one simple truth,
a hundred different ways

That lonely thing that don't cost nobody a
(we seem so afraid to admit that it really is...
could it be that simple?
don't we need to complicate
and hate...)

How could a little song
have all the answers
(when everything is so wrong)

& We spent our whole lives knowing
and forgetting that...
all ya need is (one little thing)...

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